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Posts tagged ‘landscaping’

Spring cleanup for your yard.

Just like with your home your yard also needs spring cleaning. For those places that get snow in the winter time, it can be hard on the plants in your yard.

Cut back things that might have died over the winter months.

Clean out leaves that might have blown in.

Rake out the dead grass out of the lawn (it is called thatch.) It keeps the moisture and nutrients from getting to the roots.

Add more mulch to the flower beds for the added color.



Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

What is your curb appeal like?

So you have finished fixing up the inside of your home, but you have paid little attention to the outside of your home. The curb appeal of your home should be just as nice as the inside of your home. Here is a curb appeal make over that could help you to come up with some ideas of your own to help your home. Watch this video…

With a few changes you can add to the curb appeal of your home. Watch this video…

Go out side and look at your home from the other side of the street. Take notes of the things that you like and the things that you do not like. Things like…

* Does the color of the house add to the charm of the house?

* Are the plants over grown, do they need to be changed for something that would look better in that area? Or you need more plants.

* Are there some changes to the house that will add to it and make it look better.

* Are the walk ways and drive way in good shape or do they need some changes?

* Do you have a watering system, does it need to be added?


These are just a few of the things to think about. Work with what is in the yard and the outside of the house and add things that will make it look even better.

Some things you might be able to do yourself, others you will want to call in a specialist to help you with it. They will be able to give you ideas that you might not have thought of to make your home look and work better for you.

These are some things that you might ask yourself…

* What do I want to do in this space? A sitting area, a place for the children to play, a nice way to welcome guest to your home, safety for yourself and others.

* Can I do the work myself or do I need to hire someone to do the work?

* Have a budget and a plan before you start the project. Stick to the budget. If you have a plan and a budget you can do things in stages as the budget lets you do it. Even if you do it in stages it will look great as a finished project.


These are just a few of the things that you might need to think about. But it is a start.

We would like to hear about your projects.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”


Making your curb appeal more beautiful

This is short and sweet. Check out this website http://bhgmag.co/1mkK1Gg

It is all about adding to and making the most of the curb appeal of your home. Some times we all need help when we run out of ideas. Maybe you will see the thing that will spark your thinking of how you can change things in your yard. Enjoy looking at all the lovely places.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

Five useful tips for backyard makeovers.

Backyards have long been areas used for relaxation, entertaining, dining, and playing, and in some cases, aren’t used very much at all. Nonetheless, years of use, and non-use, can take their toll on surfaces, landscaping, structures and more.

For this reason, LandscapingNetwork.com has enlisted the help of three professional landscape designers. These designers have shed light on five useful tips for backyard makeovers. These tips cover:
1. Replacing outdated materials
2. Enlarging backyard patios
3. Remodeling paving
4. Working with small and awkward spaces
5. Taking on a Do-It-Yourself project

Incorporating simple tips like these and more can transform ordinary and outdated backyards into extraordinary outdoor living spaces. With proper pre-planning and professional help, homeowners can once again enjoy every area of the home, including the backyard.


Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

Great contest for Interer desingers of homes,offices, landscaping ….. with The Spark International 2012 Design Awards

The Spark International 2012 Design Awards

If you are interested in any of these areas then you need to check it out .

Spark:Spaces accepts design entries in a large number of categories, including:
Architecture for working and living spaces, large public structures and arenas, building technology, security, interiors, universal access, temporary structures, exhibits, pavilions and exhibitions, urban planning, lighting, arches, bridges, viaducts and gateways, public spaces, parks, fountains and plazas, landscape and community planning.

This is what they say about creating this Design Award.

“Why create this competition?” Kuchnicki was asked. “Because we want to focus attention on efficient, innovative and sustainable designs and their designers. Entrants and winners will be widely seen because of Spark’s promotional activity. In this way, designers and architects gain valuable marketing exposure.”

This needs to be included in and entry.

All of the Spark Awards have two simple, yet modern criteria:
1. Does the design Spark? Innovate? Is it a new idea? Creation or refinement?
2. Does it improve the quality of life? Contribute to understanding, efficiency, progress? Does it sustain or conserve our Earth’s limited resources?

What designers gain from sparks:

An opportunity to take part in a great new wave of design, and to help form a community that supports and promotes a strong and modern design consciousness. Not American, not European, not Asian—but worldwide.

Why students should join Spark:

Exposure to the Spark competitions and community offers a valuable modern context for young designers, and helps them gain recognition for their efforts. Over time, young designers closely observe a steady river of the finest contemporary design, helping them understand—and ultimately take part in the international community of design, brand and innovation. Already, student entries make up a significant portion of Spark winners—and some of its best work.

Why professionals join Spark:

In similar fashion, professionals gain greater understanding of the progress being achieved in the world of Better Design. They can see the most modern work, and have their own work judged in context to it. Only a very few entrants will win a top Spark! Award, but all who take part gain a deeper understanding of inter-connected world. The key thing most designers agree on—that it’s very important to “get the work out there.” Spark provides the most modern context for that work.

Why companies join Spark:

To explore what “Design that Makes a Difference” can offer their marketing efforts. This can help their in-house designers keep in touch with the latest trends in design theory and application. Spark also helps companies that are making an effort in eco-conscious design to communicate that to the world. The Spark Judging Criteria are the first serious attempt to outline and measure the important considerations that designers must include to be relevant in this new era.

What a great way to get exposure for what you do best. Show case your work and make a difference in your life and others by standing out from the rest in this competition.

How would you shine?

Dan and Deanna “Marketing Unscrambled”

Twin Pines Family of Companies Blog

Twin Pines is a quality, customer-service oriented home improvement contractor in the MetroWest Massachusetts area.

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